Plant-Based Wellness
Organic Nutrition

All peoples have the right to eat healthy, natural, fresh foods every day,
at family affordable prices regardless of their geographical locations.
Chief Flora Tabobondung
VOICES OF THE LAND – “the footprint in which we follow”
Flora was Chief for 27 years and Secretary at Parry Island First Nation
Chief Flora Tabobondung was awarded the prestigious “Royal Order of Canada” for her continuous contributions to the betterment of her peoples as Wasauksing First Nations leader and Chief, dating back to a time when indigenous women were not even permitted to vote.
“We must look after this land given to us by the Great Spirit – don’t sell the land! Don’t waste the trees! We have to help each other. Our young people need training of the way we were. We need to educate our young people as professionals and use our elders as counselors.
We should be positive about life, loving one another and thanking the creator for this guidance and wisdom.
Sharing, that’s the traditional way, Sharing is good, Sharing our ideas and thoughts at gatherings with all Nations will foster growth. Sharing an idea is like a seed, It will grow. Elders must be recognized for the great knowledge which they can offer to leaders and their people during times of struggle and change. Take time with the elders and be patient waiting for their answers.
Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work and to look up at the stars.
Think Seldom of your enemies and often of your friends and every day of the Creator.”