first nation green villages

First Nations Community Green Villages

Coming soon ….

Indigenous Community Green Villages, built with significantly lower costs, at more than a third of today’s traditional wooden framed homes, that range across Canada between $350 to $600 dollars a square foot, this being contingent on the availability of skilled framers and carpenters, many of whom now have waiting periods of 1.5 to 2 years or more before they can commence new home building projects.

Our innovative solar green farm components enable each Indigenous Village to operate without incurring monthly hydro costs, and empower each First Nations community green village partner to generate new and added own-source green revenues. This is achieved by selling surplus green power back to the public hydro grid, thereby fostering the creation of new and sovereign own-source revenue streams.

Our cutting-edge green technologies are a testament to Canadian innovation, significantly shaped by Anishinaabek Mother Earth contributions that embrace the sovereign and inherent rights of Turtle Island’s original peoples’.