FNG Environmentally Friendly Power Generation
FNG is committed to supporting our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and their communities. All this must be achieved with great respect for Mother Earth. Our goal is to remain technologically advanced in the best interest of the environment for 7 Generations. Electrical power generation and consumption efficiencies are significant to every individual 4seasons community garden farm project.
Generated electricity is immediately consumed as it is produced. Because a generator needs to operate at variable output levels, it will not always be able to run within its most efficient range. In remote commercial operations and living communities, where there is no access to the grid, and the primary source of electricity is a fuel-based generator, the effects of immediate consumption are ever more prevalent.
Energy costs are directly proportional to the delivery charges, storing, and burning fuels. However, when critical infrastructure relies on generators, efficiency isn’t necessarily top of mind. Stored energy shifts the paradigm from immediate consumption to stored energy. By saving energy, a generator does not need to operate 24/7 at variable output levels and can instead run for fewer hours at much higher efficiencies.
Similarly, with other renewable sources such as solar PV, a solar array can output maximum power where excess energy is stored during the day and consumed in the evenings. Stored energy shifts the paradigm from immediate consumption to stored energy, thus saving diesel fuel delivery, warehousing, and burning costs, along with putting the environment first.
FNG 4seasons Community Garden Farms address the energy needs of each Indigenous Community across Canada regardless of location and or isolated remoteness. Our Containerized Universal Battery platform allows for the integration of energy storage into any remote grid, micro-grid, or behind the meter application. This system authorizes the control of multiple power flows, increasing overall efficiency and reducing community energy cost.